10 Perfect Wedding Reception Dresses for Every Bride
Wedding reception dresses also known as Second Dresses are a thing! They're an essential part of a bride's wardrobe. And you may not realise how difficult it is to find a good wedding reception dress until you're actually searching for one. Well If you're wondering what a wedding reception dress is, a wedding reception dress is exactly as the name says. It is a dress that the bride wears after the church wedding ceremony. The bride takes off her wedding gown which is usually heavy and wears a different dress which is usually simple and allows for easier movement. This dress is the wedding reception dress. I remember one time when a friend of mine was getting married, we had everything planned out, but we got stucked when it got to the reception dress part. I never realised how challenging it was to get a good wedding reception dress until then. We searched and searched and we couldn't really find a comfortable one and the ones we managed to find weren...